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The Rev. Susan J. Latimer grew up in Southern California, immersed in music, liturgy and the wonders of God’s Creation. Piano, piano accompanying, and singing filled her early years, along with a BA in Music from Yale and a Master’s of Music in performance from the School of Music, USC, Los Angeles. She graduated with an MDiv , Magna Cum Laude, from Candler School of Theology, Emory University and did an Internship and Residency in CPE at Georgia Baptist Hospital in Atlanta before marriage to John Roberts in May of 1992 and ordination in June and December of 1992.  

     She served in three large parishes in the Diocese of Atlanta as Assistant/Associate Rector, ending with a position at St. Bartholomew’s. During this time she had two children, Franklin, born in 1994, and Cecelia, born in 1997. She also immersed herself in the contemplative tradition, learning and teaching Centering Prayer, the Labyrinth as a way of prayer, Lectio Divina, and leading retreats and quiet days.  In 2001 she took her first call as Rector of St. Mark’s Waterville Maine. During her time in Maine she completed CDI, continuing on with training in parish development and becoming a professed member of The Order of the Ascension in 2011. Since 2008, she has been Rector of St. John’s, Charleston, WV; St. Catherine of Alexandria, Temple Terrace, Florida; and The Episcopal Church of the Good Shepherd in Hemet, CA, from which she retired in July of 2023.  

     Susan loves working with groups and teaching spiritual practices of the Anglican/Episcopal tradition, Benedictine spirituality, and the contemplative tradition. Music continues to be an important part of her spiritual life and practice. She composes sacred chants.  Susan is a student of Cynthia Bourgeault who teaches the Wisdom tradition of Christianity which emphasizes the importance of the whole person, body, mind, and spirit, for spiritual transformation. In addition to her work as the EDSD Dean for the WCC, Susan assists part time at Christ Church Coronado, and leads spiritual practice groups in the wisdom tradition of Cynthia Bourgeault. 




The Rt. Rev. Dr. Susan Brown Snook is a leader in the areas of evangelism, church growth, church planting, and new mission development. Before entering seminary, she worked as a certified public accountant, and as a director of Christian education and a director of lay ministries at an Episcopal church in Arizona.

In 2006, the bishop of Arizona called her to plant a church in the northern suburbs of Phoenix and Scottsdale. From 2006 to 2017, she served as the church planter, vicar, and then rector of the Episcopal Church of the Nativity, Scottsdale, leading it through a process of growth to a program-sized parish and through a building process that created a permanent home for the vibrant congregation. From 2017 to 2019, she served as the Canon for Church Growth and Development” in the Diocese of Oklahoma, and in 2019 she was elected and consecrated as the Fifth Bishop of San Diego.

Bishop Susan is passionate about evangelism – proclaiming the good news of Jesus – and about developing thriving churches that transform lives in their communities. She is also passionate about sharing God’s love with all God’s people through ministries of service and social justice, including supporting the full inclusion of LGBTQ people in the church.

Bishop Susan authored God Gave the Growth: Church Planting in the Episcopal Church and co-edited Acts to Action: The New Testament’s Guide to Evangelism and Mission. She co-founded the Acts 8 Movement, a group dedicated to proclaiming resurrection in the Episcopal Church. In 2018 Presiding Bishop Michael Curry appointed her to a six-year term on the board of Forward Movement.

Bishop Susan has been married for over 30 years to her husband, Tom Snook and they have two grown children.



The Diocese of San Diego for Ministry is now in partnership with the dioceses of Northern California and El Camino Real as The West Coast Collaborative. After months of planning and preparation, The West Coast Collaborative launched in February of 2023 with an initial two tracks:  Lay Preaching (English language cohort) and Formation for Deacons.  In April, the collaborative launched Lay Preaching (Spanish language cohort).   Classes run for 12 months. 

The following programs will be offered in 2024: 

  • Formation for Deacons  

This track is reserved for those who are preparing for ordination to the vocational diaconate.  Permission of the Bishop is required for ordination 

  • Lay Preaching (Both Spanish language cohorts) 

This track is designed for those wishing to licensed as a lay preacher.  Applications must be endorsed by priest-in-charge of applicant’s congregation. 

Other tracks are in the development stage which we also hope to offer in the coming year.  A catalog of all offerings will be posted in September with applications open October 1 and closing December 1 

For more information, contact The Rev. Susan J. Latimer at

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