What is the West Coast Collaborative?
The West Coast Collaborative Episcopal School for Ministry is a new, combined ministry of the Dioceses of Northern California, El Camino Real, and San Diego. It provides innovative local lay and diaconal formation programs based in the Iona Collaborative. The WCC currently offers formation for Preachers and those being prepared for ordination to the Vocational Diaconate.
What does the WCC currently offer?
One-year training to prepare lay members of congregations for a Preaching license, with cohorts in both English and Spanish.
Two-year Deacon formation for those in the ordination process.
Piloting a course in Anglican Studies for ministers coming from another denomination studying for priestly formation.
Online instruction that is low-cost, flexible for working people and designed to meet the needs of adult learners of all ages and educational backgrounds.
Strong curriculum and resources provided by the Iona Collaborative based at the Seminary of the Southwest
What if I am interested in being a WCC student?
We seek individuals who are actively involved in ministry in their congregations and demonstrate gifts in leadership. Talk with your rector/vicar/priest-in-charge about your interest in either lay or ordained ministry. Your clergy can help you discern whether you might want to pursue licensed ministry training. Each diocese’s process for discernment for ordained ministry is somewhat different; your clergy can be helpful in both discernment and navigating the process for ordained ministry.
When are admissions for the WCC?
Our academic year runs February - January. The English Preaching cohort application process runs from October 1st to December 1st each year. Recruiting for the Spanish Preaching cohort begins in January. Students in the Diaconal formation program are admitted by referral from their bishop.
What’s next for the WCC?
This is an exciting and evolving frontier of our mission to shape new leaders, lay and ordained, from the full diversity and gifts of our dioceses to meet the challenges of our evolving church and the ministry needs of our unique contexts. Check here regularly for all the exciting developments for local formation here on the West Coast.
Contact the dean for your diocese:
El Camino Real: The Rev. Katherine B. Doar katherine@realepiscopal.org
San Diego: The Rev. Susan J. Latimer deansfm@edsd.org
Northern California: The Rev. Kathy Lawler sfmdean@norcalepiscopal.org