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At the Heart of the Program: Mentors


  • Use of adult learning methods throughout the program, guided by Mentors who lead the modules using Iona-based curriculum

  • ​Key focus of Mentors, particularly in the diaconal modules, is development of diaconal identity, growth in dispositions vital for leaders, and skills needed by deacons.

  • Mentors commit to guiding the instruction and formation of the students throughout the modules

The Commitment the Student Makes


  • Completion of all preparatory assignments for each session in each module

  • Engaged participation in a 4-hour Zoom session once a month for each Module (most Modules)

  • Engaged participation in a 2-hour Zoom session once a month (Spirituality Module)

  • Participation during in-person gathering (1/year)

  • Completion of ABCD Module in Year 1

  • Completion of diocesan Anti-racism/Racial Reconciliation training prior to Year 2

  • Flexibility engaging a newly developed program

  • Tuition, books and supplies

The Commitment the School Makes


  • Providing robust formation and engaged learning experiences for students being called to the vocational diaconate

  • Limit monthly online sessions to 16 hours or less

  • Expanding programs for non-English cohorts

  • Providing regular supportive evaluative feedback to students

  • Providing an annual written report to the COM and Bishop in each diocese about each of their diaconal students

  • Engaging in continuous improvement of the programs offered by the School, seeking feedback, and working closely with Iona to strengthen them

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