At the Heart of the Program: Mentors
Use of adult learning methods throughout the program, guided by Mentors who lead the modules using Iona-based curriculum
​Key focus of Mentors, particularly in the diaconal modules, is development of diaconal identity, growth in dispositions vital for leaders, and skills needed by deacons.
Mentors commit to guiding the instruction and formation of the students throughout the modules
The Commitment the Student Makes
Completion of all preparatory assignments for each session in each module
Engaged participation in a 4-hour Zoom session once a month for each Module (most Modules)
Engaged participation in a 2-hour Zoom session once a month (Spirituality Module)
Participation during in-person gathering (1/year)
Completion of ABCD Module in Year 1
Completion of diocesan Anti-racism/Racial Reconciliation training prior to Year 2
Flexibility engaging a newly developed program
Tuition, books and supplies
The Commitment the School Makes
Providing robust formation and engaged learning experiences for students being called to the vocational diaconate
Limit monthly online sessions to 16 hours or less
Expanding programs for non-English cohorts
Providing regular supportive evaluative feedback to students
Providing an annual written report to the COM and Bishop in each diocese about each of their diaconal students
Engaging in continuous improvement of the programs offered by the School, seeking feedback, and working closely with Iona to strengthen them